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artofemergencynursing's podcast

The art of emergency nursing is a podcast dedicated to the men and women who care for patients in emergency departments everywhere. These nurses save lives and touch hearts 12 hours at a time.

Aug 24, 2019

In this episode, Kevin has a conversation with Gina Carbino.  She is a ED nurse and ED educator with a passion for evidence-based practice and free open access medical/nursing education. 

She is absolutely brilliant and one a handful of nurses that have all five BCEN certifications. 

You can follow Gina on social at

Aug 16, 2019

In this episode, Kevin has a conversation with Joop Breuer an ER nurse from the Netherlands.  He is an ED nurse, Education specialist, and also a director of the Emergency Nurses Association.  In this episode, they discuss some of the differences between the Netherlands and the US.    

Enjoy the episode with what we...

Aug 4, 2019

In this episode, Kevin continues the conversation with Jessica Nandino. an ER nurse, and writer who recently went viral with her ER exit letter. This time the conversation focuses more about here and her experience as an ED nurse. If you haven’t subscri